When I Married a Narcissist
Yesterday was the day I married a narcissist at 18. Yesterday was a day when all of the memories from...
Animals and our Health (Part 3)
Pets and Mental Health: Lowering Stress Moreover, interacting with a friendly dog reduces levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. And...
Proactive Living in a Reactive World.
In Auschwitz, Victor Frankel, the author of Man’s Search for Meaning, hit upon a striking revelation about free will. While...
Animals and our Health (Part 2)
Early Research on Pets and Mental Health The first research on pets and mental health was published 30 years ago...
Animals and our Health (Part 1)
Millions of people around the world love their pets — they’re part of the family! We enjoy their companionship and going...
Creating Savoring Rituals
It is very easy to fall into the trap of thinking that happiness is just around the corner. Many everyday...
Animals Help Us Build Healthy Habits
Animals need to be taken care of every day. As a result, they help us build healthy habits and routines...
5 Quick Ways to Cope with Anxiety
If your anxiety is sporadic and getting in the way of your focus or tasks, here are some quick remedies...