Dr. Shiloh helped me through a very difficult time in my life. I found my inner strength through working with him and have continued to grow into a more confident person. I am able to deal with people and situations with … [Read more...] about You helped set me on my feet…
Life Coaching
Doc Martin has really helped me work through my past issues…
I'm so thankful for the very helpful treatment I received. Before therapy I was extremely negative with myself, highly self-critical. I constantly worried about others not liking me and getting rejected, leading me to … [Read more...] about Doc Martin has really helped me work through my past issues…
I have learned to be less perfectionist…
I was skeptical about treatment initially when this was suggested by a physician. However, I found Shiloh very easy to talk to and he has helped me so much to feel better and look after myself more. I have learned to be … [Read more...] about I have learned to be less perfectionist…
You really made a difference…
I have you to thank for helping me…That is why I recommend you so often. You really made a difference in the lives of those around you. When I say you were a God send I truly mean it. God Bless and take care. … [Read more...] about You really made a difference…
You gave us the gift of perspective…
Dr. Shiloh- I’ve been meaning to write and thank you for last week’s session. I realize you work very hard with my family every week but last week you gave us the gift of perspective, and it showed all week long. Something … [Read more...] about You gave us the gift of perspective…