Have you ever sat down with your partner at the end of the day and asked how the day was only to realize half way through the conversation that you’ve heard nothing? Missed a turn while driving because you were focused on your to-do list?
You’re not alone.
What is Mindfulness?
- Mindfulness is a very effective tactical, in-the-moment, and long-term strategy for coping with counter-productive thoughts to fully experience the present moment, and more specifically, accept your feelings and thoughts as a normal part of your daily experience.
- Mindfulness is about shifting FROM: Evaluating thoughts/emotions and trying to change the thoughts and emotions we judge as “bad”
- And shifting TO: Accepting that we will have thoughts and emotions that feel uncomfortable, noticing them, and re-directing our attention back to the present moment
How to cultivate mindfulness:
- Build self-awareness to notice when you are NOT mentally in the present moment. Research suggests that our mind wanders (we think about something other than what we’re doing) almost half of our day! In other words, when you are brushing your teeth in the morning, you are thinking about the e-mail you need to send.
- When you notice your mind is wandering, re-direct your attention back to the present moment.
Three simple techniques to do:
- Thought Log: When you notice your mind is wandering, write down the thoughts that keep you from staying present focused. You’ll get better at noticing when your mind is wandering (or certain topics you tend to wander on).
- Body Scan: deliberately checking in with your body. Where is there tension? Where are you able to release tension? How shallow or deep are your breaths?
- 3×3 Grounding Technique: – name three things you can see, hear, and feel. This will force your mind to shift your awareness and immerse yourself in the present moment.
For a small mindfulness activity, answer the following questions:
- Is it true that you must feel good in order to tackle our challenging or new tasks? Why?
- Explore what your anxious feeling is trying to tell you? Why is it there?
- Can you be worried about tomorrow and experience what’s present at the same time? How so?
- How can you be mindful when you face challenges?
- What is your goal or value in life and your current tasks?
SubRosa Mental Services provides a client-forward approach to helping individuals, businesses, and children, in addition to offering life coaching and emotional support animal assistance. Reach out today to find out more.