It’s a time to remember those affected by suicide, to raise awareness, and to focus efforts on directing treatment to those who need it most.
In ancient Athens, a person who had died of suicide (without the approval of the state) was denied the honors of a normal burial. The person would be buried alone, on the outskirts of the city, without a headstone or marker. Additionally, all of the person’s property was confiscated.
Suicide is still considered a crime in 20 countries, punishable by thousands in fines and years in prison for the parents if it was a minor.
In many nations children can be prosecuted for attempted suicide and in Nigeria, children as young as seven can be arrested, tried and prosecuted, said the report by United for Global Mental Health.
In four of the countries in the report – the Bahamas, Bangladesh, Guyana and Kenya – the will of someone judged to have killed themselves may be discounted.
As of the late 1960s , suicide is no longer considered a crime in the United States; however, some states have attempted suicide listed as a crime in their criminal statutes.
Suicide remains a leading cause of death worldwide. Every year, more people die as a result of suicide than HIV, malaria, breast cancer or even war.
Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud called suicide, “a very poor response to a very bad day”
By the numbers
Someone in the United States dies by suicide on average every 13 minutes and 18 seconds.
In 2020, reported suicide became the eight leading cause of death for Americans, with 64, 218 suicides reported. These numbers do not include deaths that are not apparent suicide: car accidents, drinking to death
Suicide: a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
If you or somebody you know is thinking about suicide please reach out and talk to somebody.
988 is a national crisis line. It is open 24/7.
Remember: You are beautiful. You are Strong. You are worth it.
Tomorrow will not be the same without you.