Purpose: SWLPS – R3 is designed to assess personality factors, coping mechanisms, and mental as well as physical health issues to ensure appropriate pre and post-operative care for Bariatric Surgery.
Number of questions: 147
Estimated completion time: 30 minutes
Recommended age level: 18+
Factors and Scales
Overall Score plus 8 factors, divided into 27 scales:
- Healthy Coping Strategies: Assesses the degree to which a person adopts beneficial practices to deal with stress.
- Self-Motivated: Assesses the degree to which a person is able to create the incentive to persevere.
- Unhealthy Mindset: Assesses the degree to which a person experiences negative thoughts and emotions, and adopts a negative attitude.
- Unhealthy Eating Patterns: Assesses the degree to which a person has developed an unwholesome attitude and approach toward food.
- Unhealthy Weight Loss Habits: Assesses the degree to which a person uses extreme or detrimental measures to lose weight.
- Substance Addiction: Evaluates whether a person uses substances that could be detrimental to recovery and overall health.
- Adherence History: Evaluates whether a person conscientiously adhered to past medical advice and protocols.
- Exercise Habits: Evaluates a person’s typical exercise practices.